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Video and E-Learning Production

Uma videoaula é uma excelente ferramenta aplicada ao EAD (Ensino A Distância) tanto para o meio acadêmico_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_as for enterprise.

In the academic world a Video lessons contributes to the democratization of knowledge transfer to others people and increases the exposure of teaching professionals who invest in research e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf.58d

In the business sector, videoaula provides professional training, to increase the competitiveness of the company through the dissemination of procedures, techniques, experiences and facts, applied to the generation of value  for the customer and the reduction of costs, through continuous improvement ou innovation.

That is, knowledge management.

As a video production company we aim to produce uma Video lessons as a working tool for the teachers, which provides significant improvements in the training of most educational levels_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d.

Every day the awareness of teaching without borders is more present, aligned with the need of people to know more and more. In fact, this alignment is considered the main objective.



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As a video production company we work for educational achievements, producing video classes
as a way of participating and contributing to the construction of a source of distance learning learning, ou 
i.e. video classes. In this way, we do not limit ourselves to executing the requested service, but we try to make resources available to make production viable.

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