80%of internet users remember your brand for 30 days after watching a video.
Moment 1 - Why video?
The way we communicate has brought about changes in the way we do business.
Just look at age, gender and people's daily access time on the internet and in social networks,
and compare with o time spent watching TV.
Moment 2 - The experience of watching a video.
It's easier to see and hear than to read. Images in a video deliver many more messages than a photo or text. Each person's selective attention is different, so images are much more complete to inform, remind or persuade.
Moment 3 - How can I apply it to my business?
video marketingis the solution to maintain communicationonlinewith your target audience, on social networks. Publish relevant, objective and short content at least once a week. Frequency is very important forinform, remind ou persuade by your product, at the time of decision de purchase.
Inform, Remind & Persuade
Moment 4 - How to do it?
Together we will develop the video content and everything else;
You will receive the ready video to post on facebook, instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc;
We will need your business images, do seu smartphone and additional information;
You will have the opportunity to evaluate the result of publication which will do;
The value is in the cost/benefit;
Remember! You pay the price, but always bear the cost;
R$169.00 for 1 video de 15s;
R$319.00 for 1 video of 30s, or two of 15s;
R$449.00 for 1 video of 45s, or three of 15s;
R$569.00 for 1 video of 60s, or four of 15s.
Try it!
This is a unique moment to learn about, evaluate and decide on a service.
Videoit is still the most modern way to inform, remind and persuade.